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Bitcoin Op-Ed

Op-Ed: Bitcoin And The Carbon Question

Carbon dioxide sure makes people squeal when it comes to Bitcoin!

You don’t hear as much about AI and our “carbon footprint” – but a few people are making noise.

Humans burn coal like crazy. We have been at it for centuries. Today, clean coal is a whole lot better than what we did 100 years ago – at least in nations that mandate the use of the technology.

But this is about a lot more than carbon dioxide and Bitcoin.

We are looking at an existential crisis.

In The Beginning

The vast majority of carbon dioxide is created by 100 companies. Since 1988 – over 70% of all carbon dioxide was blasted into the atmosphere by just 100 massive companies (some of them government owned).

Bitcoin uses human generated electricity – which doesn’t have to emit carbon dioxide. So we can say that any criticism of Bitcoin’s carbon footprint has little to do with Bitcoin as a decentralized technology – and everything to do with how we create electricity!

To be sure – we create a lot of pollution when we burn fossil fuels. It also looks like offshore wind turbines some-who kill whales. Then there is the question of how to dispose of used-up wind turbines. The massive structures don’t last forever, and aren’t biodegradable.

Proof-of-Work systems could be a boon to us as a species. We see creating the energy as a burden, but if we tried a little harder, maybe we could have clean energy everyone can use.

Zero Point Gets You Whacked

Geeeee…it sure would be nice if there was cheap, clean electricity for everyone. If we had that – maybe we wouldn’t need money anymore.

There are a few reasons to think that there are energy solutions out there which don’t produce any kind of pollution whatsoever. We aren’t talking about solar or wind. Sadly the people who develop these promising new technologies

You won’t hear about it on CNBC, but a US law called the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951 keeps at least 5,900 patents from the public. Officially the act was created for “national defense” but over the course of 70+ years it may have been used for other purposes.

The short version is that today, if an inventor tries to patent a technology that would upend the global order, it can be kept a secret. Numerous inventions that knocked fuel use down, or didn’t use an energy source at all, never made it to market.

Many of the inventors behind new energy efficient technologies died. Right after agents from the alphabet soup showed up. Maybe carbon dioxide isn’t that dangerous. Or maybe inventors have terrible luck.

Makin’ Green Tanks

Main battle tanks use a lot of fuel. So do private jets. Military jets use even more.

Remember those 100 companies creating most of the carbon dioxide in known human history?

They have owners. Like BlackRock.

And then there is China.

China doesn’t play by the “carbon footprint” rules. It does have a propaganda department that trumpets its use of solar and wind energy, but downplays the fact the nation uses more coal than any other country.

In fact, China uses more than 4X more coal than India, the next country on the list. The USA is 3rd globally, but as we mentioned, clean coal technologies help keep the emissions down (by comparison). You can add up number 2, 3, 4, and 5 from the list of top coal consumers – and still not hit the amount China burns.

Said simply, the global corporate state creates carbon dioxide in outrageous amounts (who do you think China is burning all that coal for – not the domestic Chinese economy). It also is behind the carbon trading system that some think could make Bitcoin unusable. We think there could be a pattern emerging here.

The Punch You Don’t See Coming

People aren’t perfect. The best laid plans of mice and men…

It’s nice to think that we are progressing to some kind of brighter future – but that may end up being misplaced optimism. We know that central planning ends up destroying an economy – so central planning on a global scale is probably leading us down a dark road.

We can say one thing for sure – those 100 companies creating most of the carbon dioxide in human history – run the global corporate oligarchy. Bitcoin is a small threat to that control system, so its tiny carbon emissions take heat in the bought-and-paid-for press.

There is a good chance that carbon emissions don’t matter at all. In fact, we suspect that carbon dioxide is basically harmless, and may even be a good thing.

We can’t say for sure, and we certainly don’t have a PhD, but given the fact that carbon dioxide emissions are being offshored (to China and India, as it happens) and monetized by the banking cartel (not curbed), it’s hard not to see the whole deal as one massive scam.

First You Need Ashes

If carbon dioxide and global warming are problems – we have a solution.

Nuclear winter!

Sorry it isn’t BTC…

There is good news – we (as a human collective) have more than enough nuclear weapons to deal with this carbon dioxide problem once and for all. Let’s call it the final solution to the carbon dioxide problem.

We call our plan Carbon Phoenix.

The best part about Carbon Phoenix is that it actually reduces the amount of carbon dioxide produced forever. China has more than a billion people, and most live in range of a submarine launched nuclear missile with multiple independent reentry vehicles (SLBM-MIRV).

The US Navy could easily launch its entire nuclear stockpile at the population centers in China, and the US would still have loads of nukes left. A sober mind would ask what happens when China retaliates. Which they will.

More good news!

China will strike US military targets and cities – so that is more long-term carbon dioxide emitters taken off-line. The more China strikes back – the better (assuming you hate carbon dioxide as much as we do).

Bye-bye New York, L.A., Beijing, and Shanghai. Hello reduced global carbon footprint!

You might be wondering where Russia fits into all this fun and excitement.

Even more good news!

Russia has huge natural gas reserves, which can be hit with deep-penetrating hydrogen bombs. You thought the Nord Stream 2 hit was something – well you ain’t seen nothing yet!

Of course Putin or whoever will launch nukes at something (whatever is left) – and that will ensure that carbon dioxide emissions will fall like a rock once the dust settles. No more pesky human companies creating loads of carbon dioxide for the global consumer class.

If you know anything about nuclear winter you know that radiation and atmospheric debris will further knock down the human population via poisoning and starvation (plants need light to grow). Everything else will bounce back after the atmosphere clears up – just look at Chernobyl.

Where does the value of human life fit into Carbon Phoenix?

You can’t have everything!

We could probably get Greta Thunberg to ride one in from a B-52 – a la Slim Pickens.

She hates carbon dioxide as much as we do!

Authors note: All joking aside, using geothermal power in El Salvador to mine Bitcoin is a good example of zero emission BTC mining. We should look for more solutions like that – and not just for the energy BTC needs.

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