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OpEd: Malaysia Joins Dystopian Blockchain Development Network

We are making a lot of assumptions about future data security – and use cases.

Malaysia is the latest nation to tap blockchain for a new blockchain platform that resembles China’s social credit system. For those of you that don’t know – the Chinese have an integrated data collection system that controls the population.

Now – it looks like Malaysia is going the same way!

Wanna hear some freaky s#!t?

“The world has a World Brain to which, ultimately, all knowledge is to be addressed…and it has a nervous system of road, railway, and air communication which is already beginning to bind mankind into a whole.”

The above is from 1937 – and was written by wannabe technocrat H. G. Wells. At the time the “World Brain” was the best he could do in terms of nomenclature. Today, we call it the internet.

We already told you that China is the model for future social development if the technocrats get their way. Read about it here:

OpEd: The Dark Side of Data: How Blockchain Could Enable Digital Tyranny

Now it’s time to look at how the CCP social control model is moving offshore – and infecting populations that don’t understand the risks involved – or even pay attention.

A Digital Gulag

The CCP (Chinese Communist Party) created a digital prison state. It falls in line with the Stalinist ideals that still control the Chinese population (Mao had a massive hardon for Stalin – and killed even more people).

The model that China uses is the basis for Malaysia’s new blockchain data hording initiative. The MyDigital ID Superapp is a carbon copy of the WeChat ecosystem in China. Of course, it is totally controllable by the state – and will suck up any data it can.

According to one of the co-founders of MYEG Alternative Payment Services Sdn Bhd, who has a finger in this pie:

“This platform will simplify access to digital services while maintaining the highest standards of data security and user privacy…At the same time, it will enable businesses to unlock new opportunities and streamline their operations in the digital age.”

No mention of any risks to human rights! Imagine that!

For the moment Malaysia isn’t a totalitarian dictatorship – but hey – that could change any time. Given the kind of power a WeChat-esque creates – the temptation to take Malaysia hard right could be too much for a power-obsessed political psycho to resist.

Worth a watch if you want to understand how dangerous CBDC is…

See these systems for what they are – a digital prison that only gets stronger when CBDC is introduced. All of these tools empower the darkest parts of humanity – this time prancing around in the garb of technocracy!

Technocracy is REAL

We don’t have the time or space to detail how deep the technocratic movement goes. Read this if you really want to understand the kind of game in play at the moment. Needless to say – China is the testbed and now the model is being rolled out globally.

The technocracy sees itself as the future of government. Democracy is optional. We all know and love the illustrious Larry Ellison – co-founder of Oracle. His views on the future of social control should alert you to how the technocracy wants you to live.

Last year Ellison shared this gem about his vision of the future:

“Citizens will be on their best behavior because we are constantly recording and reporting everything that’s going on.”

Not to take anything out of context. He was addressing the role surveillance would play in an AI-based world where literally every online camera would be monitored by AI.

To wit:

“We’re going to have supervision. Every police officer is going to be supervised at all times. And if there’s a problem, AI will report that problem and report it to the appropriate person.”

Think these ideas are new?

Think again!

“The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values…Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities,” wrote Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1970.

None of this is random. It is the result of long term planning. And the plan is coming along nicely (for the technocrats).

Anyone Watching Trump?

Maybe you don’t think rapid political change is possible.


People are educated in a system that preaches gradualism. Despite the fact that political history is littered with rapid shifts – people cling to normalcy bias (it probably helps them sleep at night).

President Trump is in office – and in less than a month – illegal alien border encounters dropped by over 80%. Amazing. Whatever you think about President McTrumper – you have to admit he gets results.

Brzezinski saw the surveillance state coming – but he probably didn’t think the masses would line up with smartphones in hand to volunteer access to their most personal data and habits. Amazing!!!

The infrastructure needed for a global digital gulag is in place and operational. The only think lacking is the political will to take formerly free societies into a totalitarian nightmare – and activate the digital panopticon.

McTrumper’s radical policy shifts demonstrate how fast the political landscape changes. Nothing stops even more radical changes from happening in the future. Food for thought.

The Quantum Question

Anyone who trusts the government is an idiot. But we know you are out there. You want to believe that your government is like a decent parental figure – tough – but with your best interest in mind.

Get over it. You are lying to yourself.

Even if you trust that the government and big business will keep your data safe (this is an act of religious-level faith) the likelihood your masses of data will be made public are high.

The man with the hilarious fish breaks it all down in the video below:

We know – he covers some wild stuff. But in this case – he is right on target.

Quantum computing is a danger for banks and big businesses – but the quantum apocalypse would also make all that information stored on blockchains available to anyone with the know-how to access and use it.

All that highly personal information stored on the MyDigital ID Superapp blockchain goes to whoever wants it – for whatever use they have in mind. Let your imagination run wild. More freaky s#!t…

Velvet Gloves, Iron Fists, And Soma

We’re in the velvet glove phase of the technocratic takeover.

George Orwell’s ‘1984’ and Aldous Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’ offer two views of how a technocracy would rule society. In Huxley’s vision – drugs and pleasure maintain control over the masses – the velvet glove. In ‘1984’ – it’s the iron fist that does the work.

We think both will happen. First the velvet – then the iron.

People are hooked on smartphone soma. The CCP model rolls out so easily because people are addicts. It didn’t take that long – in less than 15 years the smartphone became part of the human body.

Now – the real fun starts.

With the masses addicted to technology – and the Western financial system on its last legs – real change is possible. We know what kind of change the technocracy wants. If people don’t find ways around the digital gulag – the technocracy might get what it wants.

First the velvet – then the iron.

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