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Bringing Popcorn

Popcorn: Bringing Altruism to Global DeFi Development

Popcorn’s non-profit strategy embodies its mantra: Do Well. Do Good

The platform is working on a DeFi for Everyone project that provides value for everyone. The basics of blockchain are in place, but the global development community needs to work on numerous aspects of the technology.

Popcorn is one of the most forward-thinking development teams that is active today.

In decentralized finance, a significant amount of value is created. In 2020, DeFi contracts had roughly $500 million in value locked up, but that number has reached $35 billion in value today.

With an annual growth rate of nearly 7000% – it is fair to say that there is a lot of interest in DeFi!

During such a transformative period, where decentralized and disintermediated technology has lowered prices, removed barriers to entry, and presented an unrivaled opportunity to those ushering in the new technology, the question is: where does public good enter the picture?

Popcorn sees itself as the answer to this question. It is working to capture the benefits of DeFi for the world at-large, so that everyone gets to rise along with the technology.

Popcorn – A Better Way Forward for DeFi

Popcorn is a new decentralized finance paradigm in which yield-generating goods also contribute to positive social efforts.

Significantly, Popcorn is a non-profit organization that isn’t looking to create a massive payday for its founders.

In fact, in the world of crypto, not many projects are structured as non-profit organizations but Popcorn is different – moreover, it identifies itself as “enthusiastically altruistic”.

By aligning with its core objectives, the business model is divided into two main parts which includes increasing and appealing to as many investors as possible via boosting awareness for carbon-neutral transactions and also offering big opportunities for profits.

These two parts of Popcorn’s model together intensify the concept of Do Well, Do Good – Popcorn’s core mantra.

The social impact of the project is built into the structure of Popcorn’s DeFi protocol without introducing any additional friction or unusual costs to the end user.

Popcorn: Some Background

Established in January of 2021, by Anthony D. Martin and Michael Kisselgof, the platform put social consciousness first.

Popcorn’s initial concern was that almost no DeFi ventures were dedicating a percentage of their earnings to creating a positive social impact. In fact, many crypto platforms put profit and growth first.

This lead to the decision of generating a non-profit, and developing a model to account for and offset carbon emissions. It was also committed the using profits to positively impact social trends.

Furthermore, Popcorn also built a well-researched and balanced methodology to allow the power of giving to be decentralized and driven by the community, rather than selecting the recipients themselves.

In particular, the project supports several significant objectives. The team at Popcorn aims to achieve a wider understanding of how technology impacts the environment, and help people to be less harmful to the earth.

Creating a Carbon-neutral World

Creating awareness to concentrate on emphasizing Popcorn’s carbon-neutral, socially responsible, and community-driven business approach is worth the attention of the DeFi community.

Popcorn is a leader in both supportive ideas, and concrete actions. Instead of creating another DeFi platform that is highly focused solely on gains, it chose to make a positive statement with its highly responsible architecture.

Noticeably, the project differentiates itself from competing projects by keeping on promoting the “carbon neutral DeFi asset management protocol,” which demonstrates how investors may benefit while also supporting vital environmental and social activities.

Since the day Popcorn officially launched into the global DeFi ecosystem, its team has achieved recognition for its dedication to creating a positive social impact.

In terms of social perspectives, the project has proved its core objective by becoming a member of Crypto Climate Accord as well as cooperating with to make it become the 1st DeFi asset management protocol for carbon neutrality.

Furthermore, the project has won some significant prizes such as Chainlink Hackathon’s ConsenSys Codefi and ETHGlobal’s Optimism.

Another major achievement is its expansion is the creation of Popcorn Foundation in Switzerland which offers other platforms the ability to develop along similar lines across the world.

The Value for Investors

Popcorn offers advantages to both a B2B and B2C user base.

For B2C users, Popcorn has developed a line of yield-generating DeFi tools to persuade consumers to invest and participate, despite the product quality being similar to that of other DeFi platforms.

Investors seeking carbon-neutral solutions or a way to give back to the community will be interested in the platform’s unique and compelling structure.

Holders of POP – Popcorn’s governance token will be able to engage in the larger mission of doing social good by holding the token.

Holders have the ability to vote for and nominate organizations that support significant social causes such as the environment, education, and open-source systems. The POP community selects these causes, and they may be provided funding to aid them in their work.

Noticeably, Popcorn’s service includes smart contracts that automate numerous yield-generating tactics such as claiming, trading, leveraging, staking and re-supplying without having to fully grasp DeFi tech.

With these tools, users may save time, pay cheaper transaction costs, and earn money.

On the other hand, B2B users of the platform will be helped by Popcorn collaboration with social impact organizations by becoming a beneficiary, and allows the community nominating and voting for them to earn grants.

Popcorn: Main Features

Popcorn’s main features include three chief components which are smart contracts, a grant program and effective altruism. Each feature is built with the purpose to deliver and enhance the core objectives of the project.

Popcorn smart contracts are flexible and bring value through a number of critical features, including GrantElections, which controls how awards are voted on, and GrantRegistry, which stores information on grants and their recipients.

Moreover, Organizations that want to be considered for a grant can utilize the BeneficiaryRegistry feature, which also serves as a repository for data.

Aside from that, the BeneficiaryVaults feature allows grant recipients to reclaim funds. In addition, Popcorn, like other tokens, has a staking functionality that allows POP holders to stake their tokens and participate in governance.

With the grant program, POP holders with a stake can participate in the governance of the social impact program.

Holders can identify potential grant recipients, vote on award recipients, and work to ensure that the funds are used to enhance the environment, open-source, education and other areas.

For this reason, the grant program is likely to receive a large amount of funding, with 20-50 percent of fees going toward it.

Finally, effective altruism which is seen as the greatest concern of Popcorn key attributes to the crypto community, by associating with SBF, Vitalik, and Haseeb from Dragonfly, Popcorn is leading the way in establishing a new solution for crypto investors.

While investors have a range of potential projects to choose from, the company hopes that many will be encouraged to invest in initiatives that deliver a high rate of yield while both contributing positively to social impact and decreasing carbon emissions.

Popcorn is Growing Quickly

The team at Popcorn team has already brought the main features of the platform to life, and is planning to create a social impact index token and an ESG DeFi Token in the future.

Furthermore, Popcorn will be deploying to Polygana and Solana as well as evolving to become a full DEX with yield generating and lending protocols.

If you are interested in growing with Popcorn, you can learn more about the platform by clicking here. The platform also has an active Github, where you can learn about the system behind the project.

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